Monday, September 11, 2017

Top 7 MTG Pauper Cards

Hello everyone! Today we will discuss a Magic: The Gathering game format that is quite as old as the game of Magic: The Gathering itself but has just quite gained popularity just recently. This is a game of Magic: The Gathering game stripped down to its most common form, literally. A game wherein only common things matter. The Pauper format. Let's dig in!

MTG Pauper is a constructed game format of Magic: The Gathering game format wherein only common cards are permitted to be included in a minimum of 60-card deck. Cards that have been previously printed at common rarity during Magic: The Gathering History are allowed. Cards that started out as common rarity but has since became of higher rarity (e.g. uncommon, rare, or mythic rare) are still recognized as common and still allowed for deck inclusion. However there are an exclusion of some cards, either the common card was banned or the set the card belong is not recognized by the community. Only common cards that were included in Magic: The Gathering Online (MTGO) are recognized and cards coming from informal sets such as Unhinged, Unglued, etc. aren't.

Despite being common and all, the pauper format has had quite some powerful decks that can stand on their own - even against their more expensive brethren (e.g. legacy, modern, etc.). And powerful decks means powerful cards behind them. Without further ado, I would like to introduce you the top 7 pauper cards. Let's begin.

Coming up with the list, we will exclude cards that were banned (e.g. Hymn to Tourach, Grapeshot, etc.). Yes they are very powerful cards, but there is no point if they can't currently be used in any pauper game. We are sure to update this list once any banned cards are unbanned or a new powerful common card are introduced in the future.

Honorable Mentions


First of honorable mention is Daze. As a counterspell card for 2 mana cost, Daze rather pretty seem normal and common (pun intended). But its other ability is what makes it great. Instead of paying the normal mana cost of one colorless mana and one blue mana, you may instead return an island your control into your hand. This is very relevant on either the start of the game or endgames as an additional counter up your sleeve is priceless.


Duress made the list. Dubbed the poor man's Thoughtseize but in actuality, Duress may be more than that. It is because Duress has some of Thoughtseize's power but none of its weaknesses. For 1 black mana, you get to sniff out any of your opponent's instant, sorcery, enchantment, and artifact from their hand. Even just the act of knowing what your opponent has in store is already a great advantage for you. Never mind not having to be able to snuff out a creature card from their hands. Their creatures may safely be played into the battlefield. You were able to play Duress means you are running black. Creature removal is no problem with black.

Delver of Secrets

Delver of Secrets rounds out the list of our honorable mentions. This card may be one of the reason why blue's standing in pauper format gaming is among the highest. Given the right condition for transformation, Delver of Secrets almost always transforms into his more menacing version and when he does. Opponents are soon to be running out of for dear life.

Top 7

Making the list, we have Hydroblast. Blue spells are not really known much for hating a specific color. But when it does, that color is in blue's mercy. Hydroblast not only counters (read this) any red spell, it also destroy whatever red is already on the battlefield. Good luck red players. Good luck.

Top 6

Next, we have Ponder. Being able to be able to look at the top three cards of your library, place them back in order of your choice and then draw a card is really great. You get to draw what you prefer from the top three cards of library while also knowing what you will draw at your later turns. Or you may just shuffle your library instead and just draw a fresh and random card.

Top 5

Blue players beware. Red gets some payback with their very own Pyroblast. In all honesty, red counterspells are seriously very rare. It is even a wonder how this card ever came printed since red's game doesn't usually involve countering spells, they are rather burning everything. I guess that rarity must have propelled it into the list (and at a very high position at that). Both similar and opposite to Hydroblast, Pyroblast gives you the choice of countering a blue spell or destroying a blue permanent. Just plain nasty.

Top 4

Joining the list is a simple card with a very simple ability. Counterspell counter any spell. Anything or anyone is at its mercy. This card is the very reason why everyone is afraid of a blue player with two untapped islands on their side of the field. They know what's coming and when it comes, there is no stopping it.

Top 3

Coming at number three, Preordain is powerful draw card with the advantage of being able to know the first two cards of the top of your library while also having the option of  putting one or both of them back on the top or on the bottom or your library in any order. This gives the way for a good card setup. As the name of the card suggests, everything is really preordained, even your eventual victory.

Top 2

Rancor makes the list as the best pump spell of pauper cards and the only green card that is on the list. Rancor is not only used on pauper format but also on other game format (e.g. modern, vintage, etc.) as well. Being able to strengthen creatures while also giving it the trample ability is a very neat ability. However what is great on this card is that it virtually never goes away as it returns to your hand whenever it goes to graveyard from the battlefield. Never say never.

Top 1
Lightning Bolt

Burning the top spot is red's infamous Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt makes the top of the list as the best of the burn spells dealing three damage to any creature or player. Seriously, no other common red spells with the same casting cost comes close. Others may also deal the same damage but would only deal that damage to creatures (e.g. Blazing Salvo, etc.). Others may deal that damage only to players (e.g. Lava Spike, etc.). Other spells may deal the same damage to either creature or player but has a condition before doing so (e.g. Collateral Damage, etc.). Some may have the casting cost and same instant speed, but only deals fewer damage (e.g. Lightning Strike, etc.). Red deck wins!

And that closes the list of top cards in pauper format. Do you think another card should have made the list? Or do you think any of the card above should not be in this list? Hit that comment section and let's discuss.

As always, keep shufflin!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Top 7 Commander 2017 Commanders

Hello everyone! It's been a week now since Commander 2017 has been released. As we all know, the most recent release has been a deviation from all of the previous Commander releases. Instead of decks revolving around an equal distribution of colors or mana as we call in the game, this time we have decks involving themes based on tribes. And no, we're not complaining.

This year, Wizards of the Coast has brought us four of well-known albeit underwhelmed tribes in Magic: The Gathering history. The days of these tribes being left behind are over. Now with more of their brethren joining their ranks and with more tools given at their disposal, the dragons, vampires, wizards, and cats tribes are here. The goblins, elves, merfolks, and zombies tribes better be prepared. The odds are now against them. Well, not really, but at least the dragons, vampires, wizards, and cats can now balance out the playing field better than before.

The Draconic Domination deck presents us the might of the hulking dragons. The Vampiric Bloodlust deck brings the bloodsucking vampires in play. Wizards rally their forces around the Arcane Wizardry deck. Last but not the least, the cats show their fury in Feline Ferocity deck.
Each deck reintroduces some of the legendary creatures printed in Magic: The Gathering history under the tribe they represent and also bring new legendary creatures to the fold. Being legendary creatures, they have the possibility to become good commander cards in their own right. Given these legendary creatures, it's once again time to discuss another top 7 list. This time we'll talk about the top 7 Commander 2017's commanders. Let's go!

First we have to discuss how we come up with the list. We will have to include factors such as game relevancy and casting cost. Game relevancy pertains to the effect the commander has on any state of the game. Is the commander useful if cast during the early turns of the game? Does it gains its usefulness during endgames? Or does it require a certain setup before being effective. Casting cost simply put is if the commander is feasible enough to be cast with ease. Or can it be cast multiple times during the game. We're not really just pertaining about cards with low casting cost here but it sure helps since your commander card's casting cost is added with an additional cost of 2 colorless mana after it has been cast before.

Honorable Mentions

O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami

O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami makes the first of honorable mentions. A 6/6 flying and trample creature for 6 creature is sweet. But what's sweeter is the vengeance you inflict upon your enemies by his ability. A player you attacked who have attacked you during his turn is sure to incur O-Kagachi's vengeance as you choose and exile a non-land permanent of that opponent. Yes you heard it, of your own choosing. Revenge is a dish best served cold indeed.

Marchesa, the Black Rose

The current queen of Paliano from the plane of Piora made the list. Marchesa has lots to offer despite being a returning card (Marchesa, the Black Rose was printed first in Conspiracy). Her dethrone ability not only applies to her but for all creatures you control. Definitely an advantage for your creatures to grow to formidable strength. That does not just stop there however as your creatures becomes almost invincible by the fact that they return to the battlefield if they have +1/+1 counters. With Marchesa's shared dethrone ability, that may not really be a problem.

Ahrabo, Roar of the Wild

Arahbo, Roar of the Wild makes it to the fray along with his ability to unleash the fury of his feline kindred. He has the ability Eminence which quite makes him already effective as a commander by just, well, by just being a commander. Eminence abilities triggers by not just having the commander on the battlefield but also by having the commander on the command zone. Arahbo's eminence ability gives another cat you control +3/+3 during battle which may be quite enough to scar your foes. Arahbo also has another ability wherein cats you control may double their firepower and gains trample but this ability needs Arahbo in the battlefield though.

Top 7
Mairsil, the Pretender

Mairsil, the Pretender could be anything (artifact) or anyone (creature) at any given time. He can even be everything (multiple artifacts and creatures) at the same time if you wanted. Mairsil gets to exile either an artifact or a creature, put a cage counter on it, and gains all of its activated abilities whenever he enters the battlefield. Something that he may be able to do if he is your very commander. This are not the only way to make Mairsil enter the battlefield every now and then though. 'Bounce' spells and 'blink' spells are sure additions for him to effectively operate as well. Be sure to protect him though. As being many things at the same time will make him a nice target for disposal.

Top 6
Taigam, Ojutai Master

What's more fun than instants and sorceries? Two of that instants or sorceries. Yes, your instants and sorceries gains rebound ability if Taigam, Ojutai Master attacked that turn. And don't worry that your opponents may cancel your instants and sorceries from being cast. They cannot be countered in the first place thanks to the ability they gained from Taigam's first ability. Oh and your dragon creatures cannot be countered too. So you are free to cast those mighty dragons.

Top 5
Inalla, Archmage Ritualist

Inalla, Archmage Ritualist rounds the top 5 with her eminence ability that allows you to make a copy of your recently cast wizard creature by paying an additional 1 colorless mana. This creates all sorts of mayhem by doing twice what your creatures can do. It also opens up multiple possibilities of combos with other wizard creatures you can think of (Hello Snapcaster Mage!). Her additional ability might be a little bit underwhelming but who cares, her first ability does the job already.

Top 4
Scion of the Ur-Dragon

The five-colored dragon is at number four striking fear out of many opponents. Simply said, he can be any dragon at any time. For 2 colorless mana, you search your library for a dragon card, put that dragon card in the graveyard, and then Scion of the Ur-Dragon becomes that dragon. You worry about the dragon you just put in your graveyard? Why not reanimate it (cue dragon roar here)?

Top 3
Kess, Dissident Mage

Kess, Dissident Mage is simply a Snapcaster Mage in your every turn. Period. No actually, her ability might be that simple but in reality it is really a great ability. Why? Just ask those who use the aforementioned Snapcaster Mage and you'll know. Period. Instants and sorceries you cast before do not rest in graveyard anymore. You will be able to cast them back. Kess having a 3/4 flying body helps as well.

Top 2
The Ur-Dragon

The draconic king of the Commander 2017 dragons comes flying and roaring at number 2. A flying 10/10 for 9. Good. The eminence ability to lessen the casting cost of every dragon spells you will cast. Better. But the Ur-Dragon's shared ability to all your dragons to draw cards, and put any permanent in your hand to the battlefield when they attack. Best. I can say no more.

Top 1
Edgar Markov

Edgar Markov steals the main show as the de facto top commander of Commander 2017. Sorin's granddaddy and patron of Markov vampire bloodline from the plane of Innistrad. Edgar Markov eminence ability sires more vampire as you add more vampire into the battlefield. And when the time comes he comes to the battlefield himself, he can call out a swift and decisive attack with his first strike and haste abilities. And just the act of himself attacking, he and his vampiric brethren strengthens.

And that closes the list of top Commander 2017 commanders you can choose. Do you have any card (or cards) in mind that you think should have made the list. Do you have any of card listed above that you think should not be in this list. Please hit that comment section and let's discuss.

And as always, keep shufflin'.